“I am 36 years old, and it is possible to call my life ideal. Good work, beautiful house, two children and hard-working husband. I love it and I love the life, but already half a year I cannot stop thinking about his best friend. Earlier I did not pay attention to it, he was married and we were seldom crossed. And at the beginning of this year he divorced and began to stay with us quite often. My husband supports the friend in times, hard for it, and is always glad to his arrival. But I …
I am glad most. It is such beautiful, sports, charming … I so like his society that it becomes already indecent. As a result sexual fantasies about it just overcome me. Reached that I with the spouse present his friend to beds … This obsession is absent the end and edge …”
Situation “I live with one, and I represent intimacy with another” – not such and a rarity for couples with a long standing where there are already obviously problems with sex. Events reasons at least two:
The love left and everything faded
But there is no wish to get divorced nevertheless. Therefore, somehow to support intimate life, there are imaginations on sexual subjects, and the partner who does not make horny any more begins to be perceived as that of someone the lady dreams.
Intimate cooling
Feelings to the partner are, but any more not such bright as earlier – passions in your bedroom do not boil any more. Therefore, it is time to take measures for rescue of the sexual life and at the same time marriage. Dreams of some brutal gentleman, the famous actor or the book character in this context can be considered as a way to bring a spark in the intimacy.
What with it to do? Anything if it is so easier for you to have sex with the husband, continue in the same spirit. The main thing, do not call by his others name in a passion rush. Especially if this name of the neighbor, your chief, his friend or other character familiar to it.
When with intimate life problems begin and there is a temporary cooling, most of married couples, it, probably anyway faces it, an occasion it somehow to diversify and introduce amendments in it. If you are confused by imaginations about other man, then at good relations with the soulmate he can also suggest to dream up on the same subject. Suddenly at both of you it will turn out to make from this something like new role-playing game, to bring a highlight in intimate life, to improve her and to make more interesting. Why not? To diversify process which already became a little dullish it is best, than to start an affair on the party. In any case is safer and more harmless.
If you dream during sex of quite specific person, it is good to you familiar not according to movies, and in reality, it is worth thinking over a relationship with your spouse. Perhaps, they long ago not such and good? Perhaps it is time to change something in them? Here everything depends on those feelings and emotions which causes in you or any more the soulmate does not cause. But it is unambiguously possible to say that something important is already missed. Imaginations about other person whom you know personally it is already disturbing call for a relationship. After them usually there are novels on the party, and it means that the love left. And that with it to do, solve only to you.
And in general, if in a relationship with the husband everything is good also with sex everything is all right, then the woman usually during sex does not represent other man. She just has no time to be engaged in it. The head absolutely is occupied by another – she derives pleasure, having sex with the beloved husband. If in the head at this moment foreign thoughts manage to climb, so or the man not that, or there are no former feelings to it any more.